Could This Be The Only Copywriting Tool You’ll Ever Need?

The AI copywriting industry is exploding. Content creation is one of the most important parts of any business, and it’s no surprise that companies are turning to artificial intelligence to help them with this task.

The robots are coming and they’re rewriting all of our copy.

Okay, okay, it’s not actually quite that dramatic.

Still, the robot that I’m about to show you is going to help you to write anything you need for your online business, faster and cheaper, using the power of artificial intelligence (or AI). 

You see, to be able to run a successful business, you need to write great copy for your ads, landing pages, Instagram captions, website, blog posts, product descriptions, social proof copy, bullet points and more. 

It’s a lot. 

Fortunately, I’m here to help.

We’ve used to write high-performing ad copy, Instagram captions, and even generate analogies for storytelling.

Now, let’s ignore for a moment the creeping feeling that copywriters are out of a job and the robots are rising up to take over the world.

It’s fine. We’re not there just yet. For now, the devices are still very much our friends.

Let me show you how you can use robots to write literally anything you need. 

This is the main dashboard where you can access all of the features of

Below are only part of the various tools that will help you to come up with different types of copies.

Once you choose the tool you want to use, all you need to do is input the product name or brand, a description and choose a tone.

Yes, you can actually set a ‘tone’ that will allow you to add more personalisation to the generated copy. Check out some of the tone options below:

But before you do, let me show you how it works with a real-world example. 

Let’s rewrite one of my lead magnet landing pages using the software.

This is the page:

There are two things I want to change on the page – the main headline, and some of the bullet points.

The headline is currently “Get The Exact Steps You Must Take To Run Facebook Ads That Grow Your List And Sell Your Course”. 

It’s okay, it’s not amazing, but it’s an all-right kind of headline. 

I wrote it relatively quickly because I wanted just to get this page up and running. 

And I always suggest you get the copy and get it out there as quick as you can so you can start testing it

But it’s also a good idea to go back and actually test, measure and see what works.

Currently, his page isn’t converting as highly as I would like it to. 

And one of the biggest reasons pages don’t convert is that the headlines aren’t really hitting with the target audience

I’m going to use the ‘Landing Page Hero Text’ tool and I’m going to fill out the info wants – name, description and tone.

Note that describing your product is particularly important – you should provide specific details to get more specific results

Try including your audience, problem space, why it matters and what makes you and your product unique.

Well, I’ve definitely done that.

Finally, I want to choose a way in which I want this text to be written – the tone.

Now for this one, I want to be one of two things – bold and persuasive. 

So let’s just try some bold headlines to begin with.

A list of potential headlines popped up for my page and below are my two favourites:

“The Only Facebook Ads Checklist Course Creators Will Ever Need” – that’s cool, I hadn’t thought of that, but that’s a really good succinct headline.

“Launch your Facebook Ads in just 2 hours with no prior experience” – that’s a pretty good one too.

Remember, as you’re reading this, these headlines are being written by a robot

And I’ll be totally honest, some of them are already better than some of the stuff I see out there in the marketplace. 

So it’s crazy for you not to use this tool in your business. 

Now that I have a few good choices for headlines, I’ll move to the bullet points. 

This is what my page’s bullet points section looks like right now:

I’ll be using the ‘Bullet Points’ tool of the software to come up with better ones.

Note that the description you enter when using one of the tools is transferred between the other tools.

And of course, you can go back and tweak that description later if you think of something else that you want to be part of the copy.

After the software generated a ton of bullet point options for me, I sorted through the ones I liked and finally narrowed down which ones I’ll add to the page.

Ta-da! I think I have a much better page now.

You can see the before and after of my page below:

Do you think the new version is a better page than it was before?

Let me know what you think in the comments section.

Writing great copy is just the start of the process of growing your online business and making more sales.

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