Two Simple Ways To Generate Leads From Facebook and Instagram

If you’re not currently leveraging Facebook and Instagram Ads to get more leads, then this post might just be a bit of an eye-opener for you…

Getting a crowd of targeted prospects to see your offers just got a lot easier…

If you’re not currently leveraging Facebook and Instagram Ads to get more leads, then this post might just be a bit of an eye-opener for you…

Notice that I said ‘leveraging’ not just ‘using’.

There are tons of business owners who use Facebook (and Instagram) Ads to grow their page likes, get people to view their landing pages or grow their blog readership. But what I’m about to share with you goes way beyond that.

What’s more, the way we do things usually results in higher quality traffic and lower cost per conversion.

But first, let me set the scene as I whisk you away into Room 101…

Facebook Is Watching You

If you didn’t know already, Facebook and Instagram (owned by Facebook) collect a pretty huge amount of information about their users…

Or as I’m sure Mark Zuckerberg would prefer to phrase it, Facebook has cleverly created environments that allows their users to share a huge amount of personal data with the world.

As Orwellian as that may sound (and it is), it allows marketers like us to enjoy an unprecedented level of knowledge about our prospective customers.

Facebook really is second-to-none in terms of demographic data.

No one else has that much data about its users.

You see, as well as age, gender and job titles, Facebook allows you to target people’s Interests and deeper demographics. This includes the organisations, celebrities and services that they use.

So, for example, you can target all the people who like ActiveCampaign (a Customer Relationship Management or CRM system). If they’re a fan of ActiveCampaign, then they’re almost certainly the owner of a partially or fully online business.

Traffic made up of those people is well targeted for an offer that’s related to email marketing or online business more broadly.

And that kind of targeting is great. After all, that’s about as specific as you can get, right?

Nope. Not even close.

Method One – Turn Your Subscriber List Up To Eleven…

(Incidentally, if you’re not building a mailing list for your business, you need to either start one yesterday or get help setting it all up now. You can contact us here to find out how we can help you.)

The smart marketers (the ones with subscriber lists) use a Facebook Ads feature called ‘Custom Audiences’. This means that you can upload your subscriber list, get Facebook to cross-reference the e-mail addresses to Facebook accounts, and then target those people with offers on Facebook.

As a result, you can follow your subscribers onto The Book of Face and remind them of the great offers you have for them.

But it gets better…

You can then have Facebook create a ‘Lookalike Audience’. Here, Facebook takes the subscribers it found from your subscriber list, and cross-references them with all of that data that it’s gathered over millions of profiles in your country of choice.

It finds out what your subscribers like and how they behave, then finds as many other people as it can who like the same things and behave the same way.

Think about that for a second. That’s some next level stuff.

You can apply this to get more leads that are more likely to buy from you:

Upload a subscriber list of your 500 top buyers and then create a Lookalike from it. Facebook could find you as many as 250,000 people just like those buyers! Reckon you could make some more sales from that?

OK, so Lookalike Audiences are pretty cool and there are several ways you can use them alongside the ‘buyers list’ tip I just gave you.

But there’s another ingenious way to leverage Facebook Audiences.

Method Two – Following Your Prospects Around

But not in a creepy way…

Getting people to sign up to your mailing list can be a tough process.

You need to make sure the offer is right for the market and that your advertising speaks to your prospects. You also need to test the landing page to ensure that it converts as well as possible, not to mention testing the ads and their targeting.

A lot of work goes into a successful opt-in campaign. And if people don’t opt-in when they’re on your site, they’re often gone for good…

Unless you use remarketing.

After all, wouldn’t it be far easier to build a list of people without them having to opt-in? Sure, you won’t be able to e-mail them, but you can get in front of them every time they’re on Facebook…

From there, you can encourage them to come back and opt-in, or you can simply promote something else to them.

You can drop a small piece of Javascript code onto your site’s header and immediately start building a list of Facebook profiles to target.

And here’s where it gets really interesting…

Once your Remarketing Audience is large enough (around 300 people) you can get Facebook to create a Lookalike of that Audience too, thus multiplying your targeted prospect list by several thousand people with no work from you.

And incidentally, while I’m on fire with good tips, here’s another proven strategy to get more leads 🙂

If you have multiple sites in one niche or related niches, why not use the remarketing list from one site in your marketing of another?

I did this last week in a client’s account and they’re now dominating their niche with opt-in conversions for less than 90p, even though they’re asking for the prospect’s name, e-mail and phone number!

Marketing online has become more competitive than ever, but if you harness the power of Facebook Ads, you’ll be amazed at the kind of edge you can get over your competitors.

While Big Zucker continues to harvest data, you and I can use that data to find those people that our businesses can help. You have a unique chance in history to get your content in front of the right people. Take it.

So, here’s to a revolution in your marketing.

Matt ‘Winston Smith’ Duggan

Got a comment, question or enquiry? Leave them below in the comments section and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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